Sowing the seeds towards global sustainable tourism
Since 1950, sustainability has been part of the Club Med DNA. Throughout our history, we've forged a strong belief: the moments of happiness we offer to our guests are to be shared; they cannot be experienced at the expense of others or nature.
That’s why we’re making sure that our development reflects what we know today as sustainable development: our resorts blend in harmoniously in their exceptional sites, we’re being extremely vigilant with energy efficiency, saving, treating and recycling our water, promoting renewable energy sources, controlling the water treatment and recycling techniques…
All the while we’re contributing to local development and bringing together in harmony people of very different origins, religions, nationalities, and settings… That’s what we want Club Med to be about.
To preserve our exceptional natural heritage
Share value locally
Offer more than a job – offer experiences, for self-development and the forging of bonds for life
Club Med’s commitment to sustainable tourism is built on solid foundations
Spreading kindness through environmental awareness
Holidays are a time to relax, but also a time to grow and learn. We love it when our guests, big and small, partake in our efforts to protect our planet. Whether it’s by putting up posters about how our guests can work with us to do their part for the environment or inviting them to our Green Activities, we feel truly rewarded when guests come back home feeling closer to nature, full of ideas on how to live more sustainably.
Contributing to local development
Respecting our host country and its population is one of Club Med’s founding principles. Our vocation is to promote the well-being of all concerned, and we could never have established ourselves in countries of such varied cultures if hadn’t built our resorts in a profound spirit of responsibility and respect towards our hosts and staff.